From Pastor's Desk...


Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Dear Campbell Chapel,

 Recently, I revisited a sermon series based on the eagle. The eagle is a symbol of moral and spiritual excellence. I believe Campbell Chapel AME Church is an eagle congregation. However, we have not lived up to our full potential. Eagles soar in the sky. They fly above the storms. As the pastor of this great congregation, I am calling us to be all that we can be.

An essential aspect of answering the calls is proper planning. Each conference year, from the close of the Annual Conference to the Presiding Elder’s Planning Meeting is “Planning Season.” During Planning Season, each ministry of the church: (1) Reviews its mission statement; (2) Evaluates the successes and challenges of the previous year; (3) Elect new officers; (4) Develops a calendar; and (5) Develops a budget. As your pastor, I call each member to participate fully in Planning Season. Please take a few weeks to evaluate our past and prepare for our future.

 As a congregation, we are a small group with a large mission. Our most valuable resource are our willing workers. Unfortunately, our willing workers are few in number. We must change if our congregation is going to fly. I am calling each of us to listen to the Divine voice and answer the call to ministry. Let God guide you into the place God desires for you to serve. Once you have found your ministry, serve with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

 Our nation's general election is taking place as we prepare for the new Conference Year. This election is the most important election of my lifetime. The two political parties present two very different views of our nation and two very different plans for the future. Much is at stake. When we vote, we fulfill our calling to be light to a world that lies in darkness and salt to a perishing world.

 Buckle up. The next few months are going to be demanding and challenging. However, they will also be vital in moving our congregation and nations toward our destiny. We were made to fly.  Let's fly!

In Loving Service,

Pastor Jon R. Black

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