From Pastor's Desk...


Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Dear Campbell Chapel,

It is a blessing to stand together on the front porch of 2025, welcoming the dawn of a new year! We have all been through so much, and I am wholly convinced that “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; God’s mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is God’s faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Praise God for blessings and favor upon our lives!

I praise God for my appointment to serve as pastor of Campbell Chapel AME Church in Bluffton, SC, given by Bishop James L. Davis on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at the Seventh Episcopal District Planning Meeting in Florence, SC. My beloved wife, Tenessa B. Wilson, along with our children, Taylor (9 years old), Timothy (7 years old), and Trenton (5 years old), are excited about this God-given opportunity to serve this wonderful congregation. We are looking forward to moving to Beaufort County to live and serve in this thriving and growing community. First, I praise God for the spiritual, innovative, faithful, and successful leadership of the Rev. Dr. Jon Black and First Lady Donna Black at Campbell Chapel for nine fruitful years. Campbell Chapel is better today because of their commitment to Christ and this community.

I am looking forward to their compassionate and competent leadership as our new Presiding Elder and Area Consultant. Again, thank you, Dr., and Mrs. Black! We love you all. God gets excited when the Church has a passion for Christ. That’s why having a clear vision strategy is important to growing the church. There are four ways to accomplish this. First, we must know God and the Lord wholeheartedly. Second, we must find community; life is better together. Third, we must discover our purpose: Why are we here? What impact does God want us to make in the world? Finally, God calls us to make a difference—to influence numerous lives for God’s glory.

Just as healthy bodies depend on functioning systems, thriving churches rely on robust outreach, discipleship, and communication structures interconnecting people to God’s purposes. Together, we can move beyond surviving to thriving as God designed. Well-functioning systems, as highlighted by Nelson Searcy, are crucial for a thriving church. They transform and streamline operations, clarify expectations, and save you Stress, Time, Energy, and Money (SYSTEMS). They also yield tangible results. Healthy systems allow impactful groups, teams, and ministries to facilitate meaning, anchor relationships, and reveal a purpose worth committing to the following:

                      • • Worship Experience

                      • • Volunteer and Outreach

                      • • Hospitality and Guest Services

                          • Generosity and Stewardship Creative and Digital Services

                          • Leadership Development

                          • Connections and Discipling New Social Justice and Community

                          • Members Development Children and Youth Ministries and Small Groups

Implementing God’s vision for our congregation requires a collaborative approach between pastor and people. Successful transition requires a God-centered, thoughtful, and collaborative approach that engages officers, leaders, staff, members, volunteers, ministry leads, and key stakeholders. The goal is to implement God's vision for the greatest impact. It takes teamwork to make the dream work. We will do great things together and watch God work miracles through us working together!

Campbell Chapel AME Church is building a vibrant faith community where people can come as they are, meet Jesus, grow in their faith, and find a place to serve. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through love, service, community transformation, and global impact. I eagerly anticipate the blessings and growth that our collaboration together under my spiritual leadership will usher into our church family. In the words of our Presiding Bishop, the Right Reverend James L. Davis, let us “trust God and IGNITE our passion, our people, and our purpose from a small spark to a mighty flame!”

You and yours have already become dear to me, and I feel overwhelming gratitude for being part of this Campbell Chapel family. And as we work together, let’s also hope together. We have the chance to bring reconciliation and hope to each other and the world.

So, Campbell Chapel, let us rely on one another as we were meant to, and let us look together toward all that lies ahead—the good and the challenging—reminding one another that God is ever present, ever faithful, and ever calling us to a holy mission according to the Way of Jesus. I am praying for the light of God to shine upon you and bring you peace.


The Rev. Fedrick A. Wilson

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