Our Leadership


Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service

Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church Leadership

At Campbell Chapel, we have been blessed with amazing, godly leadership! Our leaders have been able to set a powerful vision for the church, providing clear direction and purpose. They have also been able to foster an atmosphere of unity and love, creating a strong sense of community.

Rev. Fedrick A. Wilson

Senior Pastor

Rev. Fedrick A. Wilson was appointed to serve as Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church's Senior Pastor  November 10, 2024.  Rev. Wilson is an itinerant Elder of the A.M.E. Church.

He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ.  Rev. Wilson takes worship and preaching very seriously,  

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Rev. Fedrick A. Wilson was appointed to serve as Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church's Senior Pastor  November 10, 2024.  Rev. Wilson is an itinerant Elder of the A.M.E. Church.

He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like Campbell Chapel A.M.E Church where biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ.  Rev. Wilson takes worship and preaching very seriously,  

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Ministry Team

Leaders Committed to Service

Meet the Ministry Team of Campbell Chapel AME

At Campbell Chapel, we have been blessed with amazing, godly leadership! Our leaders have been able to set a powerful vision for the church, providing clear direction and purpose. They have also been able to foster an atmosphere of unity and love, creating a strong sense of community.

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Meet the Ministry Team of Campbell Chapel AME

At Campbell Chapel, we have been blessed with amazing, godly leadership! Our leaders have been able to set a powerful vision for the church, providing clear direction and purpose. They have also been able to foster an atmosphere of unity and love, creating a strong sense of community.

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