

Sunday - 9:15AM Sunday School, 10AM Worship Service
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Sesquicentennial Thank you!

"Campbell Chapel AME Church has been an integral part of the Bluffton Community since 1874 starting with the "Campbell Nine", The Campbell Nine" were nine former slaves who purchased our historic chapel from the Bluffton Methodist Church.  We worshipped in that building for 130 years until God blessed us to build a new edifice due to growth.  This year we celebrated 150 years of worshipping God and serving our community.     We  celebrated this milestone from June 30 through July 7, 2024, with worship services and activities."  ---Lucille Kannick - Church Anniversary Chair

We thank Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr, Presiding Bishop, for providing a dynamic opening service on Sunday, June 30, 2024.  Bishop Green's exhortation of the Word of God touched hearts and souls. 

We appreciated the words of encouragement: " As you celebrate this anniversary...I commend you for your legacy of service, worship, and fellowship. You have shown the world what it means to be a part of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, a denomination that has been at the forefront of advocating for freedom, equality, and dignity for all people. You have also shown the world what it means to be a part of the body of Christ, a community that strives to follow the example of Jesus, who came to serve and not to be served, and who gave his life for the sake of others." ---Bishop Samuel L. Green

Family & Friends worship experience was held nightly.  Each assigned group of families had a unique worship experience celebrating God's presence in their lives.  Thank you, family, friends, and area churches, for joining us in celebration.  Appreciation to our own Anniversary Choir and their special guests.


We thank Rev. Donna Baker, guest speaker, at the Grand Gala.   The heart felt message shared by this former member and beloved friend of Campbell Chapel was welcoming and encouraging.

We were blessed with food, fellowship, laughter and memories. 

Campbel Chapel AME Church  thanks the Honorable James E. Clyburn for accepting the invitation to address the congregation, friends and visitors on this great occasion. It was with  great pleasure that we listened to wisdom, knowledge,  history, and scripture that was shared with enthusiasm and caring. The anecdotes let us know that we all share memories of the past and endeavor to contribute to the best in the future. He explained that as we remember our beginnings in 1874, the history of 1874 can give us enlightenment as we experience 2024.

Purchase a hard copy of the Souvenir Journal while they last!  ($20)

Call the church office at 843-757-3652.

To God Be the Glory!

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